Under the Radar: An Essential Guide to Autism and Girls by Emilia Misheva

A relatively thorough look at how autism can present in girls. The book has a fairly academic perspective of little use to me personally, but should be valuable for adults who spend time around children. An interesting read, and though this is a book I wish adults around me had read when I was young, ultimately it wasn’t particularly useful to me now. ★★★☆☆

Self-Care for Autistic People by Megan Anna Neff

Perhaps this book might be most useful to younger people? Once you’ve been an adult for a few (too many) decades, a lot of the content is information you’ve no doubt seen many times before. That being said, I found a new-to-me technique called cognitive shuffling which sounded both interesting, and potentially very helpful.

Age and experiences aside, there is absolutely value in having actionable stuff listed in one place conveniently sorted into categories such as physical, emotional, mental, social, and professional self-care. ★★★☆☆

Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh

At first, I was very taken with this and thoroughly enjoyed a good chunk of it. However, at a certain point the narrative veers into a type of sci-fi I don’t enjoy, and it became a slog to finish. Though well written, interesting and with well drawn characters, once the pivot happened I simply lost interest and found the rest of the book slow and long-winded. Regardless of how I felt about the book as a whole I also found the ending disappointing. ★★★☆☆/p>